Monday, February 5, 2007

yap yap yap

Setting: my office, last week.
Characters: Enjanerd, Boss, Boss Jr., Skunk Nut, and by default, me.

Background: Everyone but me is discussing whether or not Skunk Nut needs to participate on the Important Daily Conference Call that afternoon.

Boss: Well, it's not a bad idea. You could just come with us at 3 and sit through it.
Boss Jr: But it'll last forever, and he doesn't need to sit through very much of it.
Boss: True. You could just dial in from your desk, if you want. If you use headphones because it's sensitive. (Read: I can't hear any of this. I had gotten kicked out of said meeting the day before)
Boss Jr: That's a good idea. He can sit at his desk and work that way.
Boss: Yeah. Well, as long as he doesn't mind people yapping away all afternoon.
Boss Jr: What? He sits next to Nutmeg!