Monday, April 16, 2007


Long time without posting. I want to blame a sad combination of Google, Safari, and Firefox's refusal to download, but odds are it was my own damn fault, so, never mind.

I broke up with 24 today. We've had a tumultuous courtship at best, and it's just not working for me. I've remained committed and faithful, as I've never missed an episode, but I just can't do it. 24 just keeps yanking at my emotions and pushing every button I have, and it's time to end things. It's not because there's another show in that time slot in my life -- although L&O is on then, and we all know I love me some Law & Order -- but I just needed some time to myself.

In all seriousness, I can't take it anymore. I get stressed out enough by my own daily life sans terrorists, bombs, and CTU, and I don't need some producer making up awfulness to sell to me as "entertainment." Because I don't get entertained, I get anxious, and I worry, and I realized today that watching fake murders and fake torture and fake criminals on fake campaigns to murder as many fake innocent people as possible is not how I want to spend my time.

Not when you can see that happening on the news to real people with real lives and real families who love them and never got a chance to say goodbye.

To everyone affected by today's tragedy....I don't even know what to say. I'm thinking about you.

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