the last few days have been full of the kinds of events that are why I got a blog to begin with.
where to even start?
1) when you are early-mid twenties, female, and wandering around the Surface Navy Association expo, EVERY exhibitor wants to talk to you, and give you free stuff, and invite you back later in the evening for free beer.
Shit went down at work. I still have a job. Part of me is disappointed, because I want to move to California.
3) My best friend from elementary school, Jonathan, came to visit this weekend. It was freaking awesome, and we hung out with our other friend Ochuko and his girlfriend and reminisced while drinking and watching football. It's kinda weird to sit around throwing back beers with people who have known you since you had snacktime every afternoon and played kickball every day at lunch. Kinda weird, but big on the warm-fuzzy-feelings. :)
4) I just started watching 24. It stresses me out, and pisses me off. Jack Bauer has exactly 45 minutes to convince me that the rest of this season is worth my time and the resulting cardiac stress/years off my life this will cause me. How can he go from prisoner to superhero to someplace else to surviving multiple explosions/life threatening situations/escaping from the bad guys how many three hours?! How did he shower/shave/change clothes/get reacclimated to civilization/be debriefed/rebriefed and off to save the world in FIFTEEN MINUTES?! And how do I know that I'm going to end up watching this again next week?
5) My office is full of idiots who can't figure out how a door that unlocks automatically when you trip the motion sensor works. Apparently that's a very difficult concept for some people. At least it's entertaining for the rest of us.
6) I'm going to Annapolis tomorrow afternoon for the SNAME section meeting, and to see the Naval Academy's senior design projects. Basically it's a way to get a catered dinner while feeling bad about my own pathetic attempt at a design project and having an excuse to stare at young navy men in uniform all at the same time. Or, as
Dan put it, "troll for midshipman ass." :-P
7) Saturday I discovered I live 300 feet away from the guy who, a year ago in Michigan, I broke up with in order to be with the one I now live 3,000 miles away from. Now here we are, in Washington DC, sharing an apartment complex. The irony is beyond comprehension.
At least my autobiography won't be boring.