Monday, January 29, 2007

Now with pictures!

I enabled comments. Now you can make fun of me on my blog.

Also, picture time!

The potato from yesterday. Oops.

Also, the person who described me as a "girly-girl" doesn't actually believe it. I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed. ;)

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Dear Self,

Blindly trusting your microwave autocook settings is not always (or usually, for that matter) a good idea. Making excuses for the absurd cook times by telling yourself things like, "Oh, maybe Autocook has set a lower power level" or "Well, I don't want an undercooked potato" is a silly idea, especially when the kitchen starts to smell like burning and fills with smoke. Maybe if you had done it yourself, or been more alert and stopped the microwave earlier, your apartment would not smell like it was blowtorched, and the potato that looks like it reentered the atmostphere after orbiting the earth would not be sitting in the sink on a burn-stained plate. That's all.



Thursday, January 25, 2007


While stalking a friend of a friend by reading her blog, I discovered that the one and only time this person met me, she described me as a "girly-girl." Ha! I'm pretty sure that's the first and ONLY time that has ever happened. It might also be the last.

it wasn't me.....this time

So the other night around 7:30, I was still at work trying to finish up a report. I heard a commotion down the hall, and soon Boss Jr. sticks his head in my office. Behind him is an enormous cop, probably 6'5" and with the sterotypical flat-top cop haircut.

Boss Jr: Hey, did you call 911?
Me: What? No....
Boss Jr: Did you accidentally call 911, while trying to call Australia?
Me: No! Why?
Boss Jr: Well, someone called 911 from a company phone, and he has to check it out, and calling 911 is easy to do while dialing 9-0-1-1 to get an outside line to Australia.
Me: It wasn't me. I've never called Australia.
Cop (while pointing his finger and pretending to be intimidating/angry): ARE you SURE?!?!?!

Then they left.

It was exciting.

Also that evening, I got an email from someone in the Australia office answering some questions I asked about a report he did. The opening to his email?

"Hi Captnutmeg,

It is great to write & read with you about this subject."

Is that an Australian thing? Or is he just weird?

Monday, January 15, 2007

My name is Jack Bauer...

the last few days have been full of the kinds of events that are why I got a blog to begin with.

where to even start?

1) when you are early-mid twenties, female, and wandering around the Surface Navy Association expo, EVERY exhibitor wants to talk to you, and give you free stuff, and invite you back later in the evening for free beer.

2) Shit went down at work. I still have a job. Part of me is disappointed, because I want to move to California.

3) My best friend from elementary school, Jonathan, came to visit this weekend. It was freaking awesome, and we hung out with our other friend Ochuko and his girlfriend and reminisced while drinking and watching football. It's kinda weird to sit around throwing back beers with people who have known you since you had snacktime every afternoon and played kickball every day at lunch. Kinda weird, but big on the warm-fuzzy-feelings. :)

4) I just started watching 24. It stresses me out, and pisses me off. Jack Bauer has exactly 45 minutes to convince me that the rest of this season is worth my time and the resulting cardiac stress/years off my life this will cause me. How can he go from prisoner to superhero to someplace else to surviving multiple explosions/life threatening situations/escaping from the bad guys how many three hours?! How did he shower/shave/change clothes/get reacclimated to civilization/be debriefed/rebriefed and off to save the world in FIFTEEN MINUTES?! And how do I know that I'm going to end up watching this again next week?

5) My office is full of idiots who can't figure out how a door that unlocks automatically when you trip the motion sensor works. Apparently that's a very difficult concept for some people. At least it's entertaining for the rest of us.

6) I'm going to Annapolis tomorrow afternoon for the SNAME section meeting, and to see the Naval Academy's senior design projects. Basically it's a way to get a catered dinner while feeling bad about my own pathetic attempt at a design project and having an excuse to stare at young navy men in uniform all at the same time. Or, as Dan put it, "troll for midshipman ass." :-P

7) Saturday I discovered I live 300 feet away from the guy who, a year ago in Michigan, I broke up with in order to be with the one I now live 3,000 miles away from. Now here we are, in Washington DC, sharing an apartment complex. The irony is beyond comprehension.

At least my autobiography won't be boring.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I snuck out of work a couple hours early to go to the spa today with Enjanerd and Cheesehead. This is funny because we are the three least girly people....ever....and would have had no idea these services even existed were it not for those handy promotional dealies we fell for. So far, the two prepaid services (massage and facial) I've shown up for have been met with disbelief that I don't plan my life around regular appointments for these things, and do I know how much more healthy/happy/enriched my life would be if I considered them regularly? Eh.

At least I didn't get asked if I'd been taking snips out of my hair with a pair of scissors, like Cheesehead did today during her haircut. Ouch.

Ooooh!!! My Christmas present from Richford finally arrived. :) He bought me a slightly shorter chain for the pendant he got me for Valentine's Day last year, because the one that came with it was a little too long and he didn't like it. But the right length wasn't a stock length, so he had to buy a longer chain + service plan for the free repair/shortening, and would we be able to come back to the mall to pick it up in a few days?

Well, the mall we bought it from is in Mishawaka, IN. We explained to the nice saleslady that neither of us actually live in Indiana. The answer to "Oh, well, where are you from?" caught her even more off guard, when she discovered the reason we were in Indiana to begin with was because it's halfway-ish between my parents in Michigan and his in Chicago, but I actually live in Virginia and he lives in California. She volunteered to ship it.

It arrived today as a FedEx Priority Overnight delivery, in a Medium Box. Medium Boxes are designed for large documents and binders. It was difficult to open and took several minutes and a knife. Inside the Medium Box was lots of paper and a Small Box, still large enough to hold a 1 1/2" binder. Stuffed in there was the actually jewelry box with.....a 17" box chain inside.

Not complaining, though. :)

Monday, January 8, 2007

Kinda squirrely..

I had a conversation with the Boss today about all the dead squirrels in his attic, and the poison he gives them that prevents them from absorbing any water so they shrivel up until they die.

I didn't think it was possible for anyone to hate squirrels as much as my dad does. I'm glad I'm learning so much at my job.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hello, World

I have finally taken Enjanerd's advice and started a blog. Someday, when I get around to my novel, this will serve to remind me of all the ridiculous things that happen to me/crazy people I know/stupid things I do. In the meantime, this is just an excuse to come up with nicknames for everyone so I don't get sued/fired/etc. Thanks to Enjanerd and an office full of nutjobs whose everyday actions warrant nicknames, I'm pretty far along in that regard.

The title comes from one of my friends from WHOI. After over a year of conversations consisting almost entirely of "how drunk were you last weekend?" and "I'm going skiing someplace awesome so you should be jealous!" I listed him as a reference for my security clearance.

He sent me this email a couple months ago:

"BTW -- did you get your clearance? No one called me. . . I made up this great story too -- filled with intrigue, passion, danger, tequila. . . You were going to be painted an unwilling super-heroine, caught between the man she loves and the country she's sworn to protect, dancing her way toward catastrophe."

And I wonder why my interim clearance was denied.