Thursday, January 25, 2007

it wasn't me.....this time

So the other night around 7:30, I was still at work trying to finish up a report. I heard a commotion down the hall, and soon Boss Jr. sticks his head in my office. Behind him is an enormous cop, probably 6'5" and with the sterotypical flat-top cop haircut.

Boss Jr: Hey, did you call 911?
Me: What? No....
Boss Jr: Did you accidentally call 911, while trying to call Australia?
Me: No! Why?
Boss Jr: Well, someone called 911 from a company phone, and he has to check it out, and calling 911 is easy to do while dialing 9-0-1-1 to get an outside line to Australia.
Me: It wasn't me. I've never called Australia.
Cop (while pointing his finger and pretending to be intimidating/angry): ARE you SURE?!?!?!

Then they left.

It was exciting.

Also that evening, I got an email from someone in the Australia office answering some questions I asked about a report he did. The opening to his email?

"Hi Captnutmeg,

It is great to write & read with you about this subject."

Is that an Australian thing? Or is he just weird?